The CSA Youth Network is a group of volunteers that have a strong interest in the climate-smart agriculture and the environment. The group members want to educate the younger generations on increasing productivity, climate change adaptation and mitigation, when possible.
The network links volunteers across the world. The Development Dgroups online platform enables us to share their findings and ask for advice from other volunteers for their practical projects in their areas.
Mission of the Network
- Raise awareness on CSA among young men and women (aged 18-35)to enable them to make sustainable decisions for the future in the agriculture sector.
- To create awareness of the coming threats related to climate change.
- To make the youth aware of the contributions they can make within agriculture for a better future, especially applying climate-smart practices in agriculture and forestry.
- Enhance meaningful youth contribution in livestock, fisheries and aquaculture activities.
Target groups
- Children and Youth aged 18-35 years in rural and urban areas
- Persons living with disabilities (young people; women and men)
- Schools, universities and ministries.
For joining our community of practice please fill in the form here: